Monday, August 12, 2013

Breaks Are Good. (Way To State The Obvious, Sherlock.)

Whew. Breaks are good. I can't remember the last time I signed off for a week. Matt also enjoyed it, and told me, "It's nice when you don't have your camera poked in my face all the time."

Of course, that was like waving a red flag in front of a bull, so I waited until we had a "big man in a tiny pool" situation and started clicking away.

That'll teach him.

I'm still mulling over my next step in the dining room. I'm thinking black and white family photos? Not very creative, I know, but I want to keep things simple in there.

I made a valance for the kitchen window, cleaned out some drawers, marathoned Breaking Bad like a crazy woman, and visited with my sister. Matt smoked more ribs, I got bit by mosquitoes, the yard got mowed, flowers bloomed, and I watched an inebriated man fall over a trash can and into a parking lot while yelling, "More salsa, Carol! More salsa!" I worked on edits for my latest project, begged friends and family to edit it, and nagged Matt into creating the book cover. I'm pretty excited.

So that's me. How are you? I do so love the emails I've been getting lately. Thank you. All of you. I'm blessed to know so many sweet ladies.

Happy Monday!

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